Contact Form
How does MODYPro work?

Complete the contact form

Our professional service will review your account opening request and will contact you within 48 hours

Once your account is validated, you will receive an email with details on how to place an order and enjoy special discounts

Place your order with our personalized service
Exclusive advantages and services for professionals like you

Great discounts on the RRP

Personalized advice from an interior designer

Prices tailored to your project

Exclusive benefits and promotions

Custom designs for large quantities

A logistic service that fits your needs
Our solutions adapt to your sector






Trust in us

What sets us apart from the rest?
With over 40 years of experience, at Modyhome, we specialize in colonial furniture and other complementary styles. We work with sustainably sourced natural woods and also offer recycled products. We strive to ensure customer satisfaction through high-quality products at competitive prices. At Modyhome, you'll find original and unique furniture and décor to transform your home into a comfortable and relaxed space.
At Modyhome, you'll find original and unique furniture and décor to transform your home into a comfortable and relaxed space.
Rustic and colonial furniture, a new era of sustainability and social commitment
At ModyHome, we're changing the game by prioritizing reclaimed wood and working exclusively with local artisans.
Our furniture is not only of quality but also sustainable and ethical, thanks to our fight against deforestation. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable and supportive home.